Last week in Followsound 2023.07

Money was a big topic this week. I’m still not being paid correctly (I’m on an emergency tax code with the payroll team seemingly ignoring me), discovering I have thrown away ~£3500 of tax rebates, having more pensions than I can remember (or manage properly), and our weekly shop is now costing upwards of £130.

Due to all the money-related headaches, and in my ever present prospect of actually having a retirement, I have decided to get a proper tax accountant. I have previously used one-off or investment scoped advice in the past, but I feel I now need someone on retention who I can call re: tax (and who will file my taxes yearly, filling in the right boxes as I don’t seem to be able to do). I was overjoyed this January that I had filed my tax return 5 months early that I strongly believe that this decision will make me happier, as shallow as that may be.

D has been under a lot of pressure this week at work with a client in for a week-long shoot. I’ve been trying to support, but I have also been busy. Most of our evenings have been: cooking, eating, watching Kath and Kim on Netflix, playing something for an hour on the PS5, then going to bed.

The weekend was relaxed and chill, which is exactly what D and I both needed!

I spoke to a potential new accountant for HucklowNet this week, as it turns out we had been misadvised by our existing accountants. I have not liked the guys for a while, as they don’t seem to do much more than fill out the HRMC website, which is something even I can do!

I’ve made great progress in our migration to GitHub Actions, basically building lots of business logic into repeatable blocks. It was a challenge, but I feel very rewarded now I’m out the other side. Obviously we will make continuous improvements, but I love starting with a blank page and building a new system.

In summary:

  • Lots of finance talk (which gives me anxiety);
  • Good progress with GitHub Workflows;
  • A welcome relaxed weekend.