Twelve days of my 20s - Day 9

I can’t express how much I love books, which is strange as I should have read enough words to be able to do so!

As an avid reader, having a personal library of over 350 books means the world to me. It’s not just about having a collection of books, but rather the feeling of being surrounded by endless possibilities and opportunities to learn and grow. I’ve taken on the principle of an anti-library seriously; I acquire books at an alarming rate compared to the reading rate.

Each book on my shelves is a unique story waiting to be discovered and savoured. Whether it’s a cookbook (of which I have many), a reference book, a classic novel, a self-help guide, or a memoir, I know that I can always turn to my library to find inspiration, comfort - simply a good read.

Through reading, I’ve gained new perspectives and learned valuable lessons about life and humanity. Having a library means that I can revisit these experiences whenever I desire and share them with others who may benefit from them as well. I use the site LibraryThing to organise and LibraryCat to loan out books. I never loan a book without it going through LibrayCat as I had a cherished book lost by a colleague many years ago when they moved abroad.

In a world where technology dominates our lives, there’s something special about holding a physical book in the analogue world and turning its pages (something Chris Bailey talks about in “How to Calm Your Mind”). It’s a reminder of the power and beauty of the written word and the importance of preserving and celebrating our literary heritage. I also subscribe to the FT Weekend and don’t get my news online (too much of a dopaminergic stressor).

So, to me, having a library is more than just a collection of paper and ink. It’s a symbol of my love for reading, and a testament to the incredible impact that literature can have on our lives. I hope to aquire more books soon; now where do I put them all…