There is something about Anna Wintour which has always fascinated me, and this official-cum-unofficial Biography doesn’t disappoint on detail. What I was disappointed by was the largely flat review of her life.
The Biography of Anna Wintour (titled simply “Anna”), by Amy Odell, was not officially sanctioned but also not officially barred, something we learn from the book that Anna is very good at doing quietly. Odell was given access to a range of people and sports an impressive index of references. However, a large majority of the aforementioned references are public in nature.
Born to a rich and classically dysfunctional family, Anna wanted for little aside from her career objectives. Anna is described as an ambitious workaholic whose focus was, transparently in most cases, solely on becoming Editor in Chief of Vogue (US). Her stints at other magazines, including British Vogue, were all in the pursuit of “the ultimate goal”.
Amy is an excellent writer who has clearly done her research. However, I wager that 80-90 per cent of the information contained in the book could be researched with little difficulty. What I feel the book lacks is the depth away from describing the detail of infamous shoots with world-class photographers. Saying this, I am too lazy to do this research alone, so I welcome the time spent by Odell as I came away from the book knowing more about this fascinating woman than when I started.
I appreciated that the book was not a puff piece or in any way glorified Ms Wintour, more than she already is anyway; Odell does not shy away from criticising some of her actions. It does feel, however, like Odell is holding back in some cases, perhaps to avoid the inevitable wrath of the “Ice Queen”?
The fact I learnt something, and that the book was on a two-for-one offer in WHSmiths on my way to Mexico, means I have to give this book at least three stars (out of five). I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in the fashion world, powerful women, or simply for a good read; if you’re not one of those people, don’t waste the time.