The week began with something unusual - I actually wrote code!
It is so strange for me to have written code lately since I’m either customer-focused or unblocking the team, but let me tell you, I really enjoyed it. It was liberating to have a single focus for almost an entire day (I did shut off Slack for about 4 hours).
There was a 'Not Found' error fetching URL: ''
This tweet made me smile - just perfect.
There was a great blog post I read from Swizec, entitled “Why Senior Engineers Get Nothing Done”, which perfectly describes my experience of being a Senior Engineer.
I had sent this through to my manager. They already know how busy I am and why, but it is sometimes good to identify commonalities.
- Wrote code - yay;
- Got anxious about “freedom day” coming up;
- Had a fabulous meal at Australasia with D (ate way too much);
- Lovely after-work walk around Chorlton Water Park with D and M that really cleared my head;
- Had a lean-coffee session about heading back into the office, some contentious topics discussed, but a good session overall;
- Really explored using Terraform in multiple environments, something I’ll blog about separately;
- Temperatures were off the scale, so lots of sunbathing and alfresco dining.