This week opened with “freedom day”, of which I have mixed feelings.
I have been uncomfortable with the restriction or removal of our civil liberties throughout the pandemic. Not in a mask hating, “it is just like the flu”, vaccine denying way, but a core tenant of my beliefs sits around all of us being able to make our own choices.
I fully understand, and agree, that at the beginning of the pandemic is was vital that we protected the NHS, and we still must, but we will have to learn to live with the pandemic. Even Chris Whitty has publically stated that we must manage the new virus as we do our flu seasons (again, not saying COVID like the flu in any way).
There have also been suggestions that a “vaccine passport” will be mandatory for nightclubs, something else I am nervous about. I would participate as someone who has had one jab, but I cannot abide by the slippery slope of the continued erosion of our civil liberties.
It was a welcome shift to stand up in a bar this week. I was worried about how I would react to this “strange” social scenario, and it did take longer for the alcohol consumed to begin to affect; no doubt due to the anxiety. In the main, I coped OK and genuinely enjoyed myself, although I know many people will be impacted, in a mental health sense, for many months/years to come.
A large portion of the gay culture I inhabit revolves around cabaret - an art that is like no other. I was warmed to watch four fantastic performances in a setting that has been far removed from us for 18 months.
Performers have had a tough time during the pandemic, with the people I know personally having to diversify like never before. Being able to support performers has been something I have enjoyed as we open up further.
In summary:
- Had a slight hangover, which was not welcomed but my own fault;
- Enjoyed some of the hottest weather on record for the UK;
- Spent a lot of time planning a big “terraform tech-debt draw down” week, happening next week;
- Sat in meetings for too long this week - something I hope to combat in the future;
- Got mad about the Manchester Pride Parade being cancelled
- Had a lovely weekend of gardening, making my place feel even more like home