1-2-1’s (mostly successful)
Again was sick at the beginning of the week. D found me shivering under a blanket on the pull-out in the office-cum-spare room. I suspect I didn’t fully recover from the last sickness two weeks ago. Honestly, this was some of the worst I have ever felt, topped only by my most recent hospital stay due to my dysfunctional bowel.
I attended a “Patient Action Group” for my local GP, very upset generally with GPs, but mine is doing well.
I had a successful call with my new CTO, got very enthusiastic about the work I can be doing coming into a new position and how the company can best utilise my skill-set.
We had a fabulous time with family this weekend, managing to see D’s parents before Christmas. They’re coming to stay over Christmas anyway, but it was nice to call in on them.
- 1-2-1’s;
- Feeling very unwell again;
- Being a member of the community (hopefully);
- Meeting my new CTO;
- Travelled to celebrate a friend of D’s birthday;
- Visited family and had a merry old time.