Last week in Followsound 2021.52

This week was like many others, I’m sure; cooking, drinking, eating (not too much - I never see why people end up with indigestion), in that Christmas lul that is always indicative of this week.

We’re still dodging the Omicron (and other variants) by being sensible and restricting our social contact. This has caused some upset within the family and for myself, but we’ve managed. Our Christmas Monopoly challenge was successful with one participant over a precariously placed iPad. Suffice to say, I won both games and claimed the top spot on the Monopoly City leaderboard. I, however, still can’t beat my cousin’s score of over £12 k on the Monopoly Classic leaderboard.

D found a Monopoly Classic app for iOS, so of course, the family has been playing that like mad. It doesn’t seem to follow the same patterns as the physical game, so we’ve had to adapt our strategies. However, it does mean the members of the family isolated can join in (via a complex FaceTime set-up, I shall add), plus the games run quicker as there is no waiting for the banker.

D and I started “The last of us: Part II”, excellent so far - lots of LGBTQ+ action. It strikes me that I was so surprised by some of the relationships and made me realise that most video games (I’m an avid gamer) are based on heteronormative relationships. Sad when you think about how much normalisation could have been provided by video games over the years, a missed opportunity. This is why we need representation of all types at every level in our organisations.

My parents managed the journey up north, so it was fantastic to finally see them after too many months apart. D, B, and I got plenty of presents, and it was heart-warming to give our gifts in person.

D and I also took a trip to Ikea as I needed some inspiration for my new office. I’m getting a small office space on the farm, and I’ve managed to get a design that I think I like, but need to verify with my design consultant, A.K.A. D, as he is much better at these things than I!


  • Eating;
  • Drinking;
  • Cooking;
  • Monopoly;
  • Family;
  • Gifts;
  • Gaming;
  • Relaxing.