Last week in Followsound 2022.01

Started my new role this week, and it has so far been fantastic. Everyone is welcoming, and I can feel a massive weight has been lifted. It really does take a step back to see the issues sometimes. My schedule looks so free, I’m going to work very hard to ensure it stays that way - I might actually get something done shock horror.

I’ve been doing more design for the new office to hit the ground running once the current tenants vacate. I’m looking for a relaxed vibe, as it will be a workshop-cum-workplace-cum-space I want to be. I am trying to design soft things, which is not my forte, and my goal is for the space to be used by others, so it can’t just be a workshop full of FDM printers. Thankfully, D is on hand to provide soft-ness; we even found a reference image on the Homebase website that was one he shot!

I’m not making any new year resolutions this year, which appears to be a theme among friends and family. I suppose we’ve all just about survived the last two years (which incidentally feel like one big long year) but don’t want to jinx anything for this year. I find in life, this provides for a happier existence; if you plan, life usually disappoints. Some of my best nights out, holidays, birthdays, or even just walks have been spontaneous.


  • New role, going well;
  • Office design progressing nicely (even, dare I say, going well);
  • No resolutions this year, just vibes!