This week was almost exclusively dedicated to getting the new office ready for working there beginning week 6.
It was a hard slog, but I’m glad we did it, as it looks fantastic. I’ll do a longer-form post about the details. For now, the images below will have to do.
I even have a shrine to my queen.
We did manage to see M this week, a good friend of D’s, for food at our local pub, and as ever, the food was fantastic. We’ve also agreed to move in with M in his place in Manchester. Moving should keep the costs down for D and I and still give us a Manchester pad we really enjoy.
As we all know, Docker is notorious for consuming resources and, therefore, battery life. I’ve only just found (the update was in November 2021) that the Docker desktop app has a “Pause” setting, giving a boost of battery life on my Intel-based work Mac. How anyone puts up with the abysmal battery life on Intel-based Macs when the M1s are so much better is beyond me!
- Office move;
- Office move;
- Amazing food with good company;
- Agreed to move house;
- Office move.