Last week in Followsound 2022.08

Monday’s trip back from the wedding was the last in the Corsa-e before returning it to the lease company (as it was a company car). I have to say, it was an ok vehicle, but not a good car, in that it wasn’t great to actually live with. It drove very well, you felt safe, but it just wasn’t exciting, stimulating. Literally, something to get you from A to B (as long as that wasn’t more than 160 miles away) in an uninteresting way.

My main complaint is the public charging network is not up to scratch in the UK. Yes, I realise the UK is much better than other nations, but we’re still not up to par for the masses to adopt electric vehicles; don’t even get me started on hybrids.

To review the experience with the lease provider, I’d give them a 4 out of 5. Most things went smoothly, but they did try to get another £25 per month by saying I hadn’t signed a contract (when I already had and had evidence of it) and then sending me a new contract with a higher price! However, the rest of the experience was good, including the collection,

The rest of the week was a jam-packed one!

Spent days working on an EKS module and helping others in the team. It feels good to be able to share knowledge again.

D and I went bowling for the first time in an age. As usual, there were loads of different faces there, just what the event was set up to do - get people together.

On Thursday night D, B, and I attended a Gameshow (not a quiz, I must stress, apparently) and had a fabulous time. My favourite was that we were told every time we saw a picture of Sue Gray (featuring photoshopped and animated googly-eyes) we had to freeze, less she thought we were having a party - just brilliant.

As a friend is going through a break-up right now, we wanted to be supportive. So Saturday was brunch with D, R, B, D and I, then in the evening, we all (well minus the dog) went to see Donna Marie (as Lady Gaga). As usual, a fantastic show. Even if we did get a little merry with her afterwards and regretted it all weekend!


  • Drove back from the wedding;
  • Gave the Corsa-e back;
  • Gay city bowlers;
  • Gameshow (not a quiz);
  • Donna Marie.