Last week in Followsound 2022.39

We have moved into October, seemingly after only just starting September! My dysfunctional digestive system meant I had to have a day in bed on Tuesday this week, which gave me a further sense of disconnection from things.

Aside from the sickness, D and I have been doing lots of fun things lately, which we have really needed. We’re planning a long weekend abroad in October, mainly to give us a break from the UK weather, but also increasingly, politics. It seems like we (as in the UK) can’t catch a break lately. What we need, clearly, is a change of government. Not that anyone else will do better, but I can’t see how they can do worse; policies and procedures appear to be getting more bonkers by the day.

F1 is also back on the calendar, and we’re approaching peak childishness. Red Bull is accused of breaching the cost cap, most vocally by Mercedes (surprise) hence everyone attempting to find the leaks, and with FIA having about as much spine as a jellyfish on the issue, as usual. Finally, with a wet-ish race in Singapore, the championship has yet to be decided, which is about the only good thing from this weekend.

A friend is moving out of the country in a few weeks, so D and I attended his leaving party this weekend. I’m very jealous, I must say, that they will get to see the back of the issues we have in the UK currently.

In summary:

  • Another month has gone;
  • Sickness this week wiped me out;
  • Poor performance at work, so I need to be on it next week!