Last week in Followsound 2022.40

What an emotional week; landing a new role (and resigning), friends moving away, leaving parties, and starting in a Choir - to name a few!

Firstly, I have to shout out my chiropractor Dr. Marsh of “Back on balance”, as she can always sort me out. I’ve gained some exercises to help correct my posture (made worse by sitting at a desk too long) and will diligently do those for as long as I need to. I’ve also added a yoga stool to my wish list, as I want to do a yoga headstand (unassisted). I’m told the yoga stool will help me achieve that and correct my posture, a win-win.

Monday nights are now dedicated, until Christmas at least, to Choir rehearsals. The last time I seriously sang (not in the shower) was at age 16 in my high-school musical productions. We performed Les Misérables for our final year, containing some challenging songs. However, evidently, my singing skill has left me. I have always subscribed to the notion that singing is good physically and for the soul, which I can still attest to. I felt elated after the first session (even if I was in the wrong octave for one of the pieces).

In the middle of the week, I had a final-stage interview for a new role. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but I always like to keep my ear to the ground. Plus, if I don’t push my career forward, no one else will! I was delighted with an offer that I couldn’t refuse. So in the new year (2023), I will be in my new role as a Lead Engineer. I’m thrilled to be back to technical leadership and strategy, something I have missed and didn’t realise until recently. However, I now have to have a string of “those” conversations at my current employer. These don’t usually phase me, but, as ever, I love the people I work with, so there is guilt around that.

S, a friend of D and I, is moving out of the country on Tuesday next week, so we had a little party to say goodbye. This was another emotionally charged situation. However, we all had a fabulous time, and D and I got some new clothes as S can’t take everything he owns with him. It will be sad to see him leave, but we’ll meet again, and it now means D and I have an excuse to visit Bali!

I got some 3D printing time this week which has become an unfortunate rarity. I printed a leaving gift for S that inspired me to print some long-standing items out of the queue.

In summary (all emotionally charged):

  • New role;
  • Resigning from my old role;
  • Joined a new Choir group;
  • Had a leaving party.