The week started with a little hangover after celebrating our friend’s emigration to Bali. However, Choir practice was just what I needed to lift my spirits. I’ve also discovered that I am more of a Bass than a Tenor (as happens, it seems, as one gets older), so having to adjust my role in some of the pieces we’re performing. There’s also a performance at the beginning of December (plus our big performance near Christmas) rapidly approaching, so we’ve all got to get into gear. According to our leader, we’re beginning to “blend” well and “make a lovely sound”.
I had an initial call with my new employer on Wednesday, confirming some assumptions and getting a plan of action before I start, as I would like to meet the teams before coming in as Lead Engineer.
On Thursday, I had a welcome lunch and catch-up session with a good friend L. We ate at a new restaurant near our old offices and stuffed our faces with delicious food.
Friday saw D & I jet off to Gran Canaria for a final glimpse of that fiery ball in the sky! There was a big group of us, many of whom know many people in the airline industry - so we were certainly looked after. As we’re in GC at least two times a year, we know the score and always have a fabulous time, even just for a weekend. As I write, I am sitting in a coffee shop (one of the only places to get good coffee in GC) in 27-degree heat - just fabulous.
We ended up at a Boat party earlier today, which was an experience, not for the best. The list is endless, but some highlights were; we didn’t have the drinks promised on the pre-booked tickets (so I went without), the promised activities were sub-par, the food was lacklustre, and the boat was more like something you would see on the Thames rather than the sunny waters of GC. I don’t think we will repeat it, next time we’ll get a group together and rent a private yacht, which will probably be less money than what we paid this time.
Predictably we, as a group, booked two other holidays for next year, so we all have something more to look forward to in 2023. Let’s hope inflation doesn’t stay at 1 million per cent for the next year!
Signing off from sunny GC - wish you were here!
In summary:
- Slight hangover to begin the week;
- Finding out my balls keep dropping (apparently);
- Some preliminary conversations with my new employer;
- Meeting up with a good friend;
- Flew to GC;
- Partied (just enough) and ate glorious food in GC;
- “I’m on a boat GURL”.