Our choir is coming on nicely as we’re starting to get into the rhythm of things. I stayed for the social after our rehearsal, which did the job of helping us gel as a group. Plus, the director is vegan, so I managed to get something to eat (being intolerant to Dairy and Eggs means the vegan option is usually the safest).
We’ve been discussing on-call policies at work this week, which led to some interesting opinions. Thankfully, the management has a good understanding of what we’re doing as a team. However, we need more detail on what the business wants, something that management has so far been unable to supply. My only argument is that we can’t be expected to set an on-call policy without RTOs (for example), as these indicate what the business demands. I’m leaving the organisation in just over a month anyway, so I’m tending to not get involved; certainly not trying to rock the boat at this late stage.
A “consultation period” was announced this week, meaning layoffs are coming. Apparently, our department is protected, but it doesn’t fill one with confidence in the business moving forward. I think the issue lies in selling products to a group of people most impacted by inflation. Adding this to profit margins that are highly inflation-sensitive (lots of energy costs) makes for an unstable business environment. The main issue is that I don’t see the day-to-day of the company management, so I’m not confident in their abilities as this isn’t made visible to us “lackeys”. Finally, the whole department was supposed to be going away “on-park” this week, but that was cancelled due to the announcement, which I can understand as the optics aren’t good!
The weekend was much happier, as D and I went to a good friend’s wedding and had a fabulous time. The ceremony was short and sweet (tick), the food was good (tick), there were no speeches (tick), the bar was self-service (big tick), and the venue was so beautiful and homely (tick); one couldn’t fault it.
In summary:
- Busy work week;
- Layoffs coming (I’ve run away already);
- Beautiful time with friends.