Last week in Followsound 2022.46

Choir rehearsal was more of a challenge this week as there were only two bases present, one being myself! It makes it very daunting as most of our parts are practically solos. It is also challenging to find notes when one has 20 Sopranos and Altos apiece drowning out our two voices.

D and I were over in the city this weekend. I got to see a good friend for a much-needed catchup, and we saw a couple of drag/cabaret shows, which is never “a bad thing”!

I have been working hard to solve long-standing issues with our infrastructure, which always leads to more politics than technical issues. This is something I have had to learn to live with; not everyone is an Engineer.

I’ve also got a few ideas around AI brewing in the background, but I don’t want to jump the gun until I have had time to read through all the relevant documents and let things percolate.

In summary:

  • Difficult but rewarding Choir rehearsal;
  • Lots of politics;
  • Seeing some amazing cabaret (MCR does it best);
  • Personal time with friends.