Last week in Followsound 2022.48

We’re now officially in December, and Christmas is fast approaching!

D and I put up some lights at the office, which has given things a nice holiday feel. I’ve also been tuning into the Yogscast JingleJam and, of course, donating. This year you get 86 games worth over £1000 when donating over £35, which is a good deal. Once again, my Steam library will be filled with games I will never play. On gaming, I have been out of that world for some time now. D and I have been so busy that we’ve been unable to put meaningful time into anything.

On gaming: D and I have started things up again, and we remembered that we prefer to game in the evening rather than watch TV. We reopened our Planet Coaster park (running well on the Steam Deck I should add) and were shocked at how we’d left it. We played some Horizon, Fall Guys, and CHUCHEL, the oddest yet cutest game I have ever played. Appealing as it was, I did feel like I had dropped a tab when playing CHUCHEL - limited time only on that one.

Work is supposed to be winding down, as I’m leaving on the 19th, but I seem to have more on my plate than ever. Next week I will focus only on closing or documenting, nothing else.

The Choir I’m in had a performance on Saturday, which started a little ropey, but once we got into the swing, we didn’t sound half bad, and it was enjoyable to boot.

D and I also got some personalised cards printed (at the last minute). We are way ahead of the curve on Christmas cards, as we have only received two from family. Usually I’m last on cards (and presents), so I’m very greatful for D making a custom drawing of us.

In summary:

  • Christmas is coming;
  • The end is neigh for my current role;
  • Lost laptops by DPD;
  • Pi camera is finally done (blog post to come);
  • Gaming;
  • JingleJam;
  • Cards;
  • Singing.