It was our last choir rehearsal this week, which was bittersweet as I have really enjoyed the whole process and met some new people. The session was one of the hardest yet. Our director commented that we (bases) are making a lovely sound, which I think is a good review for a group of novice singers. I did miss the Yogs JingleJam Civ 5 stream to attend the rehearsal, so I’ll have to watch it on-demand in the new year (as I won’t get time now).
This was also my penultimate week at Bourne, which was sad, terrifying, and thrilling all at once. I will miss the team so much, as we all work so well together, and they are great people.
It was over to MCR for us this week too. This will be the last time before we have our friends over for NYE.
In summary:
- Last Choir rehearsal;
- Lots of documenting and closing down at work;
- Preparing the cottage for Christmas, and off to MCR.