Last week in Followsound 2022.51

Oh, how the Christmas madness arrived this week!

D and I came back to the countryside this week and started straight into the Christmas madness. I’m unsure why we put up a tree, or any decorations for that matter, as we won’t get to see much of them with what we had planned. We were with family 90% of the time. This is both a joy and a realisation that one can’t spend 90% of their time with family. We had some great board games and sessions on the PS VR. “Keep talking and nobody explodes” was a highlight for most of the family, I think, plus we’re now all bomb-disposal experts!

My cousin and I had a marathon cleaning session in the cottage in preparation for D’s parents coming to stay over Christmas.

D also had a second round of Birthday celebrations with some bowling and a meal out, both I thoroughly enjoyed (as did D).

Slightly less nice was having to take B to the vet this week. He had a very red ear for a few days that wasn’t shifting, so we decided to take him in. £68 later, he seems to be better (3 days on). B spent the whole time in the waiting room growling at the cats on the TV, much to the amusement of the nurses - thankfully, we were the only ones there!

Christmas day was just as it should be, spent with family. I did end up with the most gifts, which is strange as I only sent out my wish list with a “hey, get me something if you want, but please don’t feel you have to” kind of message. D had arranged another beautiful table for us to sit at and we had smoked salmon for starter - my favourite and a family classic.

Table for 2022

Starter for 2022

In summary:

  • Food;
  • Presents;
  • Planning;
  • Parting;
  • Vets;
  • Cleaning.