Happy new year!
Started a new role this week, which is going well so far. I often find when starting a new role, especially a more senior one, it feels like one has a large IKEA set without the instructions. That is to say, I know what I know, but I’m unsure of the direction. By the end of the week, things were very clear; it is the usual DevOps trajectory, just at a different stage to my previous role.
I’m battling through Outlook at the moment, as it seems to be accepting all my meetings by default. It seems that I’m going to have to install the desktop client to get the option to disable it, as far as I can tell anyway - very annoying.
I’ve set myself a goal to grow as many vegetables as possible this year, so I spent most of the weekend digging over beds and doing a tidy-up job, plus some planning. I’ve used VegPlotter to try to get a better plan out. So far, I am growing:
- Potatoes 🥔
- Broad beans 🫘
- Peas
- Chilli 🌶️
- Three varieties, as I want to dry some, and have some to eat in chillis, etc
- Peppers 🫑
- Tomatoes 🍅
- Three kinds, as we are all about to turn into a tomato, plus they’re used in so much stuff
- Lettuce 🥬
- Four types, as again, we get through so much
- Cucumber 🥒
- Broccoli 🥦
- Mushrooms 🍄
- Going to test inoculated bark fines for this, so we’re growing food on multiple surfaces (vertical and horizontal)
- Carrots 🥕
- Leek
- Pak Choi 🥬
- Raspberries
- Blueberries 🫐
- Rhubarb
- Perpetual spinach 🥬
There’s not much else to do in January/Feb, but when March/April comes around I have to germinate and harden about 1000 plants! The reward for all that hard work is lots of lovely Veg (and some fruit too) to eat, and more importantly pickle! I’m thinking of doing regular flyovers with the DJI too, so that I can see things change throughout the year.
D and I spent a lot of time this weekend setting up my new Amplifier (a very nice Christmas present from D). It took us about 3 hours to get the EQ right, but now it sounds warm, full, and lovely. Lots of movies and gaming to come during the last of the winter months.
In summary:
Lots of new things!
- New role;
- New veg garden plan;
- New sound.