Last week in Followsound 2023.02

Our first Spring term choir rehearsal was on Monday this week, and it was an absolute joy to be back in the saddle. We’re singing some amazing stuff this term, so I can’t wait for the next rehearsal. We’re also gelling really well as a team, so that is really nice.

I’ve been working through pages and pages of documentation in my new role. I have finally started some documents, as I feel I wanted to output something. Most of them won’t be read, but it makes me feel better to be outputting something, even if it is just thoughts at this stage.

D and I have managed to get some gaming time in and started playing “Horizon: Forbidden West”, so far a breathtaking game. Our weekend was consumed (in a good way) by visiting friends, lunching, and generally being social creatures. I, for one, was quite glad of a change of scenery, as we’ve been a little static since Christmas. Perhaps because Christmas was so busy!

In summary:

  • New term at Choir;
  • Seeing good friends for Pizza;
  • Seeing more friends for more food (I LOVE FOOD);
  • Gaming.