Last week in Followsound 2023.05

It was a jam-packed week!

D has been playing the new “Hogwarts: Legacy” game this week. Now aside from the obvious disdain as to the apportioning of some proceeds (a.k.a. the leader of the TERFS), there is also a lack of polish I would expect from a game in development for five years. Elements have been done well, such as the combat flow, which did take some getting used to as it was so different to lots of other popular games. However, the game is let down by loading wheels, glitchy graphics, poor loading times, and strange artefacts; why this is the case on the PS5 is beyond me.

I’m really getting into the swing of things in my new role too, even more so than last week. Additionally, I’m actually preceding code now (Terraform) so I feel useful; yes I know designs and strategy are important, and that is why I took the role, but I want to keep my ground-level skills for as long as possible. The wider DevOps group had a great chat this week around Terraform, so I have the confidence to create some standards, best-practice documents, and actual examples. We’re also migrating fully to GitHub (it is already used by more than half of the business) which means we have authorisation to use GitHub Enterprise; an experience I have only dreamed about.

D and I missed “Geordie’s Game show” at The Brewers this week as we were both feeling under the weather, more-so D than I. Thankfully, we were both better by the weekend as we had “Safari Supper” to prepare for and participate in.

To explain what a “Safari Supper” is: everyone (couples) has a course to cook for the night, hosts are selected at random, and everyone moves between houses for each course. D and I had never done one before, but my Aunt put us forward for it as she has been doing them for over 10 years. It was an absolute joy, plus we met people that we wouldn’t normally speak to. D and I did fish and chicken tacos with all the trimmings, as we thought it would be better to have a picky-meal as our cottage would struggle to house two other couples around a formal table! The night finished with coffees at my Aunt’s farm, so there was something familiar to close off the evening.

Sunday brought some good progress in the veg garden. We seeded some green beans so that my Aunt could test their new batch of manure before selling to customers.

D and I play now play Bridge on a regular basis with my Aunt and Uncle (not partnering with our respective partners, on recommendation from several books on the topic). One may think it is an old-person’s game, but to the country you need a fully-engaged brain. I can see why one may play more in older-age however, as it has taken us all over six months to even begin to start understanding the complexities. This week brought some glimmers of hope as we are all starting to score very highly and consistently.

In summary:

  • Amazing Choir rehearsal;
  • Getting busy at work;
  • Leaning more about GitHub Enterprise (mainly that it is very expensive);
  • Garden coming on nicely;
  • Playing lots of games, including a bridge breakthrough.