Firstly, we had an amazing Choir rehearsal on Monday, which is the same as I experienced around this time last term. It seems to be at week five or six that I get into the rhythm of things and build confidence in the pieces we’re learning. Our Director Hannah was very complimentary about the “sound” we are achieving as a bass section (a grand total of 4 of us). I’m also off-copy for two pieces, so only another nine to go!
Had to reschedule a HucklowNet meeting at the last minute (due to a family emergency) - something I hate doing. I did manage to complete the patching and monitoring upgrades to the network that have been on my to-do list for too long.
Thursday saw me take a train to London for the first time since two days before we were locked-down in 2020. It was a little surreal, if only for the fact I only realised how long it has been when I was 10 minutes into the train journey. The 05:00 alarm combined with my head only touching the pillow at 23:30 means I have asked for approval to book hotels (which has been granted, thankfully). It was, however, amazing to actually meet the team I am working with, as in my last role I didn’t get this opportunity. I even caught up with my old boss this week. We have arranged to meet when he is in MCR this year (he lives in Greece), as the role was only bearable because of him (and the team he created).
I found it strange talking to new people in person, as I must be out of practice. I went up to someone and just said “HELLO” like a bloody robot. Shaking hands is also something I appear to have forgotten how to do!
Coincidentally, I was contacted by someone from a previous role thanking me for making two copies of a backup; they appeared to have deleted one copy and found the other automated backup. This experience only feeds my data-hoarding tendencies, but has served me well. Speaking of data, I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my personal ArgoCD this week and deleted my personal archive setup. Thankfully, again, my backups saved me and I had everything back working within an evening. Turns out it was a good backup, even if I was forced into the “rehearsal”.
My Aunt and I got a full day in the garden and D got both cars cleaned (thanks to my cousin cooking a delicious meal), and on Sunday my Sister came over with the kids. It was great to see them, and we played with the train-set which was more a joy for me than them, I think - even if I was over-ambitious about the route…
In summary:
- Choir (as usual);
- Cancelling meetings, much to my horror;
- Being in London for the first time in over 2 years;
- Meeting the team;
- Forgetting how to be human;
- Gardening;
- Spending time with loved ones.