Last week in Followsound 2023.08

Twas’ the week that wasn’t this week. We had so much planned, but lots fell through, even choir was missing as it is half-term. However, we did some high-value friend stuff this week, so all-in-all a good one.

The slight accounting hiccup at HucklowNet has been resolved, and we have now resolved to dump the accountants that mis-advised us and move to someone better suited to our needs. I finally got a proper security scanning tool installed across the network too, so now we’re getting alerts rather than having to manually patch things.

A friend of ours had his birthday this week, so it was nice to get out of the house and visit him. I bought the obligatory funny David Shrigley card and a voucher; the gift when one does not know what to get. We also hosted a little gathering at the MCR house this weekend too, meeting up with some friends we haven’t seen properly since before New Years. I cheated and cooked a very similar meal to that I did for the “Safari Supper” we participated in a few weeks back. Again, it went down a treat!

We’re putting in a large effort at work currently just to keep the wheels on. As with all new roles I don’t want to move too quickly, but I am keen to get some standards/processes in place to ensure we can endure for the future. Thankfully my chain of command agrees. Hopefully in the coming weeks we can start to codify some of our policies/processes and then get a real move towards a great system.

In summary:

  • No choir this week (half-term);
  • Lots of plans missed;
  • Birthday celebrations;
  • Friends over;
  • Relaxed weekend.