Twelve days of my 20s - Day 2

Today I have been thinking about the spread of people in my life over the past decade. Some have had a profound impact, while others have been more fleeting but no less significant; each person we meet teaches us something about ourselves.

Since the pandemic showed me that life is about connections, I have been trying to stay in touch with people in a more genuine way. I have actually been in contact with fewer people, meaning greater contact with people that really matter. I encourage anyone to reach out and connect with people you have met. Even if one doesn’t stay in touch regularly, it doesn’t mean someone isn’t a true friend. I have an amazing person in my life who I only see once yearly at best, but we simply carry on where we left off - true friendship.

Here are a few things I’m keeping in mind as I reflect on the people who have been in my life over the past decade:

  • Be grateful for the people who have been there for me. The people who have supported me through thick and thin. These are the people who I can always count on, no matter what. Making a conscious effort to let them know how much I appreciate them.
  • Learn from the people who have hurt me. No one is perfect, and we will all make mistakes. Try to learn from the experience. What could I have done differently to avoid the situation? How can I prevent it from happening again in the future?
  • Let go of those that are no longer good for me. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to let go. Someone who is always negative, someone who is always taking but never giving, or someone who is not a good fit for our lives. It can be difficult to let go of people, but it is necessary for my growth and happiness - something I am not compromising.
  • Cherish the memories made. As I leaned in therapy, taking time to reflect on the good, and listing things out, can be a holistic exercise.

Moving forward, I want to cultivate friendships, partnerships, and relationships that mean something to both parties; I am so happy to be planning to visit one of these special people at the end of the month.