Twelve days of my 20s - Day 6

During my Uni + Graduation years, I couldn’t be in the same house for more than 18 months. With hindsight, this guaranteed great difficulties when filling out any forms that require address history, ending up with over eight properties to my name before I was 25.

Eventually, I found an apartment in the centre of Manchester (a city I had chosen to call home). I managed to stay there, bucking the trend I had set for myself for nearly five years and made memories I will cherish forever. Now living in the countryside, I do sometimes miss having the convenience of access to almost anything one needs in 15 mins or less. However, I found that living so centrally resulted in consuming more (which I think is the idea of capitalism), plus adding extra stressors in my life - so it couldn’t last forever.

I now live back in Derbyshire, near where I grew up. I enjoy the countryside and the open spaces to seed relaxation when stress levels get high. Having to “work” to get “things” makes one less prone to purchasing needless items. I can’t say it has made me any healthier, as I get my exercise from Apple Fitness+ (which I do in the office), but I don’t see it harming anything. Plus I am now nearer most of my family.

D and I also have a small office near our cottage. Having the office has resulted in getting “stuck” at work less frequently, as we have to leave the office for an evening meal. I’m fully cognisant (from working for myself for years) that I will work through the night and need some external force to pull me away (sad, I know, it’s something I’m working on). The dog also enjoys a change of scenery plus more space for running around.

D and I now also have a base in Manchester that we can call home (a house share). We can keep our toes in the water of the city once more, but sometimes it does lead to feeling nomadic; sometimes, I like it that way.